Vascular Access

Home Dialysis Central has pulled together this selection of helpful products for dialysis patients. Select a category to show only those related products. Do you have a product that you think could be useful for dialysis patients? Fill out this form to add it to our list.

Please note: we do not sell any of these products! You must contact the company that makes them for price and order details. You will find contact info for each company under each product.

Listings in the Helpful Products Catalog on Home Dialysis Central are a service to you. The Medical Education Institute, its staff, its Board of Directors, and its sponsors do not endorse any product or service. Talk with your doctor if you don't know whether a product is safe or wise for you to use. We do strive to ensure that each listing is correct and complete—but, we can't guarantee it. We also can't and don't endorse, recommend, or review all of the links you could follow off of this site to another site. We are not responsible if a link you visit harms you or your computer, gives you wrong information, or if any other loss or damange occurs.