Welcome to the non-profit Medical Education Institute's Home Dialysis Central blogspot! This page is an umbrella under which Home Dialysis Central staff and guests can share their perspectives about home therapies and what we need to do to raise their profile and enable more people to use them. We'd like your comments as well! Bookmark our site and like us on Facebook! Help us tell the world about home dialysis.
We have a "lifestyle bible" for sale that can help you learn about dialysis options. Help, I Need Dialysis! We also have prepared some slideshows on how to have a good future with kidney disease.
How to Know When Your Blood Pressure is About to Drop
I learned that a lot of people are not aware of the early signs of pending BP drop and what to do if they occur.

Published on 10/27/2016 by Gale Schulke, RN, CDN
Medicare Open Enrollment (10/15-12/7): It’s Not as Scary as You Think.
During open enrollment, people can join or switch Medicare drug plans or can switch from a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan to Original Medicare.

Published on 10/20/2016 by Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
Home Dialyzors in the Hospital—the Least Dialysis at the MOST Vulnerable Time
Three months after I started on home hemodialysis I was witness to a sad tragedy. At the time I didn't know it, but this is something that happens on a regular basis to us HHD folks—albeit due to its sinister nature, it only happens once to each of us.

Published on 09/29/2016 by Henning Sondergaard
An Obituary for Baxter’s Vivia Home HD Machine
A month or two ago, I listened with more than a tinge of sadness as the new CEO at Baxter Healthcare in Illinois announced and sought to explain withdrawal of the Vivia.

Published on 09/08/2016 by Dr. John Agar
Haemodialysis UF Volume and UF Rate are NOT the Same
While the UF volume has been with us for as long as there has been dialysis, recent interest in the UF rate appears to have introduced some uncertainties about exactly what the difference is.

Published on 06/09/2016 by Dr. John Agar