Journal Watch - HD
Survival on HD vs. Immediate-start PD
After reviewing medical records from 911 incident dialysis patients from 2005 to 2023, 140 HD and 140 immediate start PD patients were selected for 1:1 propensity score matching. While long-term survival was comparable between the two modalities, non-diabetic patients had significantly higher survival on immediate start PD than HD.
Read the abstract » | (added 2025-01-13)
Tags: HD, Immediate start PD, Survival, Propensity Score
PD vs. HD for Women’s Sexual Function (But, Would Intensive HD be Better?)
Women (n=200) with non-dialysis CKD, HD, CAPD, and controls who completed the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) were analyzed by treatment group. The control group had the highest FSFI mean scores. The point means between PD and standard HD were nearly identical, except for sexual satisfaction, which favored CAPD (p<0.05). NOTE: Intensive HD was not compared in this study—but may prove to be helpful.
Read the abstract » | (added 2024-09-12)
Tags: PD, HD, Female Sexual Function Index, FSFI
Do More Hours of HD Benefit Older Patients, Too?
Analysis of ANZDATA registry data of patients who started dialysis at age 65 and older from 2005 to 2015 say YES—hours of HD do matter to survival. Among 8,224 people, those whose HD sessions were 5 hours or longer had an 81% reduction in the hazard risk of death vs. those who only got 4-4.5 hour treatments (p < .001).
Read the abstract » | (added 2023-02-13)
Tags: HD, ANZDATA, HD Hours, Session Length, Survival Rate
Frequent HD Reduces Recovery Time in SNF Patients
Getting at least 14 hours of HD per week and more frequent HD reduced recovery time in skilled nursing facility residents between 2019 and 2021. Among 2,309 people, 92% of those who had a mean of 4.3 weekly HD treatments recovered in 2 hours or less. The odds of short recovery time were even better with 5 treatments per week—and rapid recovery was linked with less risk of hospitalization or death.
Read the abstract » | (added 2022-04-18)
Tags: Recovery Time, HD, Frequent HD
Poorer Survival for Those Who Switch from Home to In-center HD
Among 19,306 people who started HD in the ANZDATA registry from 2005 to 2015 and were treated for more than 90 days, those who started home HD and then went to in-center HD had significantly higher mortality than those who stayed at home. The reasons for this are not yet known.
Read the abstract » | (added 2021-08-12)
Tags: HD, Home HD, In center HD, Mortality, Home Hemodialysis Treatment Failure
PD vs. HD for Quality of Life
Eleven studies from 2000 to 2019 (N=3,711) comparing PD with in-center HD (ICHD), PD vs. home HD, ICHD vs. self-care ICHD, ICHD vs. home HD, and various home HD modalities with each other were analyzed to determine the impact of modality on quality of life. PD was favored in some domains, while ICHD was favored in others. Home HD was rated significantly higher than ICHD for some domains.
Read the abstract » | (added 2020-11-12)
Tags: Dialysis, Dialysis Choice, PD, HD
International Use of HD—Including Home HD
A new survey of stakeholders in 182 countries (with respondents from 160 countries) found a use rate for HD of 298.4 per million. Among incident dialysis patients, the HD rate was 98.0. Standard in-center HD was available among 27% of low-income countries (and these patients paid more of the costs); home HD was available in 36% of high-income countries. Monitoring of patient-reported outcomes was done in 61% of countries, while 60% monitored bone minerals and patient survival, and 51% monitored technique survival. Just 5% of countries initiated patients on HD with arteriovenous access.
Read the abstract » | (added 2020-09-11)
Tags: Hemodialysis, Homedialysis, HD
Converting In-center HD Patients to Home: the Importance of Belief
A small, cross-sectional study (n=44) interviewed patients who were and were not considering home HD. Only 68% of patients said they’d heard about the benefits of home HD. The cohort who were willing to consider it were significantly more likely to believe that self-care and home HD would improve their quality of life, particularly travel, better health outcomes, and the comfort of being at home.
Read the abstract » | (added 2020-09-11)
Tags: Home Hemodialysis, Hemodialysis, Homedialysis, HD
Transplant Survival Better After PD Than Standard In-center HD
Is there an advantage to PD over standard in-center HD for transplant graft survival? YES, suggests a 15-year retrospective study of 2,277 transplant recipients. Those who did PD prior to transplant were 34.5% more likely to survive, and had less frequent rejection. Living donor kidneys did best among patients who received transplants before starting dialysis—or did PD.
Read the abstract » | (added 2019-11-16)
Tags: Kidney Transplant, Modality, PD, HD, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in PD vs. HD
A Korean registry analysis of 132,083 dialysis patients between 1985 and 2017 found that SCD caused 19.6% of the 34,632 deaths. Even after adjusting for age and significant comorbidities, HD was independently associated with SCD, as was diabetes.
Read the abstract » | (added 2019-10-14)
Tags: SCD, Sudden Cardiac Death, PD, HD