Welcome to the non-profit Medical Education Institute's Home Dialysis Central blogspot! This page is an umbrella under which Home Dialysis Central staff and guests can share their perspectives about home therapies and what we need to do to raise their profile and enable more people to use them. We'd like your comments as well! Bookmark our site and like us on Facebook! Help us tell the world about home dialysis.
We have a "lifestyle bible" for sale that can help you learn about dialysis options. Help, I Need Dialysis! We also have prepared some slideshows on how to have a good future with kidney disease.
Training and Treating Home Dialysis Patients with Daytime Responsibilities
To help to grow home dialysis programs, we need to make it as easy as possible for these patients to train for home dialysis and succeed at home.
Published on 12/15/2022 by Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
Tags: Making dialysis better, What is the best dialysis option for me, Education issues: for patients and professionals,
Permission to Thrive: Conclusion
My sincere hope is that this eBook will serve as a starting point in helping you learn to cope with ESRD and have a transformation in how you cope with your chronic illness going forward.
Published on 12/08/2022 by April McGraw, RN, CNN
Tags: Making dialysis better, Education issues: for patients and professionals, Other ‘cool stuff’ to help understand dialysis better,
The Truth About Home Dialysis Time
We can give hope for a better life without glossing over the parts of that conversation that are unpleasant.
Published on 12/01/2022 by Jennifer Ravert, RN
Tags: How dialysis works, Making dialysis better, What is the best dialysis option for me, Education issues: for patients and professionals,
"Thanks for the Giving"
Does this make you think a little differently about “Thanks for the Giving”? I hope so. May we all be reminded of those who give in our behalf each day, week, month, year. May this remind us that in our own heroic efforts, we are never alone.
Published on 11/24/2022 by Amy Staples
Tags: Making dialysis better,
Meditation Simplified
Mindfulness meditation is a non-religious activity which everyone can do.
Published on 11/17/2022 by Kamal Shah
Tags: Making dialysis better, Other ‘cool stuff’ to help understand dialysis better,