Welcome to the non-profit Medical Education Institute's Home Dialysis Central blogspot! This page is an umbrella under which Home Dialysis Central staff and guests can share their perspectives about home therapies and what we need to do to raise their profile and enable more people to use them. We'd like your comments as well! Bookmark our site and like us on Facebook! Help us tell the world about home dialysis.
We have a "lifestyle bible" for sale that can help you learn about dialysis options. Help, I Need Dialysis! We also have prepared some slideshows on how to have a good future with kidney disease.
Thoughts on Home Haemodialysis in Australia and the US, from a Patient Perspective
How do we engender change for the better? By convincing the people who can make change that it is in their interest to promote long, slow, gentle nocturnal dialysis.
Published on 02/18/2016 by Henry P. Snickelsnorter
Tags: Making dialysis better,
From Compliance to Concordance
Why are we so bad at following doctors’ orders? Is there something wrong with us? Is there something wrong with the recommendations? To be honest, I think it's neither!
Published on 01/28/2016 by Henning Sondergaard
Tags: Making dialysis better,
How Kidney Failure Enhanced My Life
About that time, I was asked if I wanted to go on. I decided through a haze of pain killers and sedatives, to keep fighting.
Published on 12/24/2015 by Henry P. Snickelsnorter
Tags: Making dialysis better,
US Haemodiafiltration, Where Art Thou?
Only in the US is haemodiafiltration almost non-existent, a recent incidence analysis being tagged at just 0.1%.
Published on 12/17/2015 by Dr. John Agar
Tags: Making dialysis better,
The SONG-HD Initiative: It's Not the Same Old Song, and It's Got a Very Different Meaning.
I feel strongly that the SONG-HD Initiative has broken through an invisible barrier which for too long has relegated patents to victim status, rather than consumers of healthcare.
Published on 12/09/2015 by David Rosenbloom
Tags: Making dialysis better,