Journal Watch

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  • Pregnancy and HD: More is better (Review)

    It is harder for women with ESRD to become pregnant and to carry healthy babies to term. Careful team follow up and more intensive dialysis have been shown to improve pregnancy outcomes. This article reviews fertility issues in young women with ESRD, pregnancy outcomes, and management suggestions.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2012-01-26)


  • Normalizing "unphysiology" with longer and/or more frequent HD

    Studies of intensified HD regimens have found superior results to standard in-center HD, including better cardiac outcomes. This review article surveys the evidence that supports the hypothesis that more physiologic dialysis leads to better outcomes.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-12-22)


  • Pregnancy and more dialysis

    In general, pregnancy is uncommon in women with ESRD. But more dialysis seems to improve pregnancy outcomes. This review article addresses fertility issues, pregnancy, and suggestions for how to manage dialysis in pregnant women.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-12-22)

    Tags: Chronic kidney disease

  • Review: What do we know now about more-frequent HD?

    Studies have shown since the 1960s that more-frequent dialysis improves outcomes. The recent Frequent Hemodialysis Network trials confirmed these findings. This article reviews the data.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-07-26)


  • Cycler PD has better outcomes than manual PD for those under age 65

    Among 282 people on PD, younger people were much more likely to keep doing PD—and much more likely to survive—if they used a cycler.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-05-23)


  • Consistent aspirin use associated with improved AVF survival among incident HD patients in the DOPPS

    A new paper from the Dialysis Outcomes & Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS) reports that people who took aspirin had significantly less fistula failure than those who didn't. (Talk to your doctor about whether a baby aspirin or an adult aspirin might benefit you.)

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Travel time to HD predicts HRQOL, adherence, & death

    A new paper from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns (DOPPS) study of 20,994 patients reports that patents whose one-way travel to HD was longer than 60 minutes had significantly higher mortality and lower quality of life. Patients noted, "I feel as if it rules all my time." The authors suggest home dialysis as an option for those who live far from the nearest center.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Straight talk: Improve CKD outcomes by prescribing better dialysis

    Longer or more-frequent treatments, better access choices, ultrapure water, and better removal of fluid and toxic middle molecules could improve survival on dialysis, say researchers.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)

    Tags: Chronic kidney disease

  • November 2006 Kidney International supplement focuses on PD

    Is survival better on PD or HD? What factors predict PD success? What are best practices in PD catheter placement? Does use of biocompatible PD solution reduce peritonitis? Learn the answers to these and many other key PD questions in the November 2006 supplement of KI. (For kidney professionals who don't subscribe to Kidney International, we've compiled the links to all of the abstracts from the special supplement on PD (November 2006). You can find them below.

    Note to dialyzors: Kidney International is a medical journal for professionals. Feel free to read the abstracts—and please write and let us know if there is information you think we should focus on for a future "Life@Home" article. We'd love to hear from you!

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • More dialysis, longer life

    In 2003, researchers from the 12-nation Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns (DOPPS) study found that HD treatments shorter than 3.5 hours had a 33% higher risk of death. A new DOPPS paper reports that each extra 30 minutes of HD reduces the relative risk of death by 7%. Unfortunately, this study also documented mean US in-center treatment times of...3.5 hours.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)
