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  • New study finds better survival with short daily home hemo

    Compared to USRDS survival figures for conventional (3 times a week) in-center hemo, 117 people using short daily home hemo had a significantly lower standardized mortality rate, found a study by Drs. Blagg, Kjellstrand, Ting, and Young.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • November 2006 Kidney International supplement focuses on PD

    Is survival better on PD or HD? What factors predict PD success? What are best practices in PD catheter placement? Does use of biocompatible PD solution reduce peritonitis? Learn the answers to these and many other key PD questions in the November 2006 supplement of KI. (For kidney professionals who don't subscribe to Kidney International, we've compiled the links to all of the abstracts from the special supplement on PD (November 2006). You can find them below.

    Note to dialyzors: Kidney International is a medical journal for professionals. Feel free to read the abstracts—and please write and let us know if there is information you think we should focus on for a future "Life@Home" article. We'd love to hear from you!

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)
