Journal Watch

  • Alternate night nocturnal HD in Australia

    Every other night nocturnal HD is a popular option in Australia. Patients who use this option have lower phosphorus levels and better volume control and well-being—at about the same cost as standard in-center HD.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-12-22)


  • Home HD costs in Canada

    Learn the costs of standard in-center HD vs. short daily and nocturnal in this new review article. (Home costs less!)

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-12-22)


  • Normalizing "unphysiology" with longer and/or more frequent HD

    Studies of intensified HD regimens have found superior results to standard in-center HD, including better cardiac outcomes. This review article surveys the evidence that supports the hypothesis that more physiologic dialysis leads to better outcomes.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-12-22)


  • Eating more protein linked with longer life on PD

    In a study of 305 people on PD, those who ate the most protein (≥0.94 g/kg/day) were stronger and at less risk for heart disease, peritonitis, and death than those who ate the less.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-11-28)


  • Protein intake improves after a switch from standard to nocturnal HD

    After 8 months of nocturnal HD, 15 people who switched from standard in-center HD had significantly higher protein intake. Their phosphate intake rose as well—but their serum phosphate levels did not, even without binders.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-11-28)


  • Alternate-night HD improves bone minerals & blood pressure

    Among 63 people in Australia who switched from standard HD to alternate-night HD, bone mineral balance and blood pressure improved after 18–24 months. Left ventricular mass did not improve, but remained stable.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-11-28)


  • Urgent-start PD is feasible with a plan

    In this small study, 9 people who had an urgent start for PD were compared to 9 people who started PD with more time. A standard protocol was written to support urgent start PD. After 90 days, both groups were doing equally well.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-11-28)


  • Working fistula rate doubled with procedures

    Are repeated fistula procedures worth it? Yes, says a new study of 294 people who had 347 fistulas made, with 736 procedures between them. While only 36.8% of fistulas were working on their own after 2 years, 77.8% were working 2 years later after procedures to fix them. (One patient had 11 interventions.)

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-11-28)


  • Yes, PD can be done with diabetes

    PD is gentle on the blood vessels. With use of icodextrin and other steps to optimize glucose and volume control, it can be a good option for those with diabetes.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-11-28)


  • Adsorptive column removes B2m

    Too-high levels of B2m cause amyloidosis in people on dialysis, with joint and bone pain. In Japan, people dialyzed using the Lixelle S-15 adsorptive column had significantly less B2m in their blood after a year of 3x/week treatments. They were also stronger and had less joint pain.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-11-28)

    Tags: Chronic kidney disease