Journal Watch - Home HD

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  • Standard Kt/V urea Targets Less Useful for Home HD

    When patients do home HD more often than three times a week, do the Kt/V urea targets still predict outcomes? Not all that well, suggests a new study. Multivariate regression analysis of 109,273 standard in-center HD patients compared to 2,373 home HD patients found that while a lower Kt/V urea (<2.1) did predict higher blood pressure in both groups, it did not predict metabolic control in either group. For those on home HD, a low Kt/V did not predict hospitalization, mortality, or technique failure, though it did for in-center patients. The authors concluded that the current Kt/V urea targets “have limited utility” for home HD.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-02-15)

    Tags: Home HD, Kt/V Urea Targets, Metabolic Control

  • Connecting Home HD Patients to Care Teams Reduces Dropout

    Nx2me is a telehealth platform that allows patients who use NxStage machines for home HD to send data to and communicate with their care teams. Compared to matched controls, 606 Nx2me users were more likely to successfully complete training and less likely to drop out of home HD.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-01-11)

    Tags: Nx2me, Telehealth, NxStage Machines, Home HD