Journal Watch

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  • An Integrated Care Model Supports Home Dialysis

    A new paper describes a model of care that prioritizes safe and effective use of home therapies, patient-centered care, informed decision-making, and comprehensive support. The integrated care framework emphasizes continuous quality improvement and helps to identify and assess patients, educate them, facilitate transitions between modalities, and consider the logistics of urgent dialysis starts. The aim is to create a seamless transition to home.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2024-06-14)

    Tags: Model Of Care, Home Therapies, Patient centered Care, Informed Decision making, And Comprehensive Support, Integrated Care Framework, Modality

  • Minority of UK Dialyzors Would Choose Standard HD Schedule

    Given the choice of 12 different scheduling options, just 38% of 183 people doing standard in-center HD would always choose to keep doing what they were doing. Of the remainder, after being informed of the survival and quality of life benefits of more dialysis, 27.1% would choose longer treatments thrice weekly, and 34.4% would choose four 4-hour treatments per week.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-11-12)

    Tags: In center HD, More Frequent Hemodialysis, Longer Treatments

  • Improving Incident ESRD Care with Transitional Care Units

    Patients who transition onto dialysis are at high risk for morbidity and mortality—along with high costs. Transitional care units use the first 30 days of treatment for systematic onboarding that includes education and informed options choice—and may be especially helpful to those who start treatment emergently. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-03-16)

    Tags: Dialysis Transition, Transitional Care Unit

  • Older patients may make less informed options decisions

    In a study of 99 people on dialysis in North Carolina, those who were over age 65 reported significantly less informed decision making. They were less likely to say that the doctor had explained their health problems, and more likely to feel that the doctor made a choice for them.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2014-11-07)


  • Informed decision-making about dialysis options

    Among 99 dialysis patients from 15 clinics in North Carolina, 67% said they felt like they had no choice about their modality, and about a third felt that the choice had already been made by their doctor.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2013-08-22)

    Tags: Chronic kidney disease

  • When choosing a treatment option, lifestyle is what matters to patients

    A metaanalysis found 16 studies of how people with late-stage CKD choose what type of dialysis to do. Common elements included the life-or-death nature of ESRD; minimal intrusion of treatment into quality of life, autonomy, values, and sense of self; and making informed choices.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2013-01-25)

    Tags: Chronic kidney disease