Journal Watch

  • U.S. nephrology fellows’ perceptions of their home dialysis training

    To grow home therapies, we must have clinicians who are trained in PD and home HD. A survey of 110 nephrology trainees suggests that we are not there yet. Of the 76 respondents, most were moderately confident about PD principles—but not urgent start PD or catheter insertion. Confidence around home HD was low.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-05-14)

    Tags: Home Dialysis, Hd, Home Hemodialysis, Hdd, Peritoneal Dialysis, Pd

  • Impact of Exercise on Bone Mineral Density in PD

    Does exercise improve bone density in PD patients as it does in those who use HD? No, finds a small new pilot study of 53 people on PD who were randomly assigned to home exercise (n = 26) or usual care (n = 27). While home exercise significantly improved results on the 30 second sit-to-stand test, 6-minute walk test, and physical activity level, it did not change lumbar spine or hip DEXA results.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-04-16)

    Tags: Physical Activity, Fall Prevention, Osteoporosis

  • Home Dialysis Care Experience instrument

    A new patient-reported experience measure for PD and home HD has been developed, based on a structured literature review, focus groups, interviews, and then cognitive testing. The 26-item measure covers 16 domains in six areas: communication and patient education, care team concern and helpfulness, care team proficiency, patient-centered care, care coordination, and personalized care.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-04-16)

    Tags: Hemodialysis, Hd, Peritoneal Dialysis, Pd

  • Metaanalysis: Weighted PD Catheters are Better

    Analysis of data from 20 RCTs and 18 observational studies found no differences between double-cuff vs. single-cuff, swan-neck vs. straight-neck, and coiled-tip vs. straight tip PD catheters. Weighted PD catheters, on the other hand, were linked with significantly lower rates of tunnel infection, migration, drainage failure, cuff extrusion, and complication-related removal.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-04-16)

    Tags: Self locating Catheter, Coiled Catheter, Tenckhoff Catheter

  • Better Technique Survival with Assisted PD

    A study of 384 PD patients in China compared the outcomes of 274 who did self-care PD with 110 who had assisted PD. Older age, diabetes, low residual kidney function and low serum albumin predicted higher mortality, as did assisted PD, since this group had more comorbidities. Technique failure was also significantly lower in the assisted PD group.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-04-16)

    Tags: Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis, PD, Technique Failure

  • Patients Who Want Autonomy More Likely to Choose PD

    A national survey had 630 HD and PD patients respond to a survey about internal locus of control (ILOC) and an interest in treatment responsibility (ITR). The responding PD patients were younger and had significantly more desire both for control in general and interest in treatment responsibility in particular.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-04-16)

    Tags: Peritoneal Dialysis, Pd, Hemodialysis, Hd, Decision making

  • New PD Fluid Tested in Italy

    Most PD fluid is glucose-based, unphysiologic, and can cause fibrosis and long-term damage to the peritoneum—but that may be changing. A new PD fluid replaces the glucose with L-carnitine and/or xylitol. After 4 weeks on the new fluid, 10 CAPD patients had good tolerance and no adverse safety events. More research will be needed, but this looks promising.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-03-09)

    Tags: PD Fluid, Carnitine

  • Outcomes and Costs of Assisted PD

    As many as half of those who could use PD need assistance to do so, and many countries outside the U.S. offer this. A narrative review found no differences in quality of life, hospitalization, or mortality between PD and in-center HD patients after adjusting for age and frailty. Nurse assistance may result in better technique survival than family assistance. Assisted PD was still significantly less costly than in-center HD in Canada and Western Europe.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-03-09)

    Tags: Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis, Barriers, Cost, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Pd

  • Functional Iron Deficiency and Survival on PD

    A 10-year retrospective look at survival examined records from 1,173 PD patients who had normal iron levels, absolute iron deficiency, functional iron deficiency (FID), or high iron levels. Among the group, 77.5% had iron deficiency, and FID, in particular, was linked with an increased risk of all-cause—but not cardiovascular—mortality.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-03-09)

    Tags: Mortality, Peritoneal Dialysis, PD

  • Missed Opportunities to Help Patients to Home Dialysis

    Even strong home dialysis programs do not always successfully get everyone who is interested in a home therapy to go home. In British Columbia, of the 1,845 patients who started dialysis between 2015 and 2017, 34% started on their preferred home therapy—while 8.9% did not, and 8.4% had remained undecided and started in-center. A significant factor was that those who chose and started a home treatment had more home therapy-specific (vs. “general modality orientation”) education

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-03-09)

    Tags: Home Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Pd