Journal Watch - PD

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  • Vascular access for high-risk PD patients

    Which PD patients are at risk for technique failure and should proactively have a vascular access placed for HD? A case-control study compared 72 patients who were transferred from PD to HD to 111 controls who stayed on PD, received a transplant, recovered kidney function, or passed away. Low adequacy or serum albumin, hospitalizations, and peritonitis were predictors of a transfer to HD. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-07-13)

    Tags: PD, Technique, Vascular Access, HD

  • PKD and PD – a Metaanalysis

    Among 9 studies totaling 7,197 patients—of whom 882 had polycystic kidney disease—survival was better among the PKD patients. There were no differences in peritonitis or technique survival between those who did and did not have PKD, though those with PKD did have a higher risk of hernias.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-06-12)

    Tags: PKD, PD, Metaanalysis, Polycystic Kidney Disease

  • Year 1 Cognitive Function Better with PD than Standard In-center HD

    PD came out the winner over standard in-center HD in a study of cognitive function among 96 HD and 101 PD patients who took cognitive tests at the start and end of their first year of treatment, though both groups saw some improvement.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-02-15)

    Tags: PD, HD, Cognitive Function