Journal Watch - PD

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  • Longitudinal Experience with Remote PD Monitoring

    Patients whose PD was monitored remotely had almost twice the number of APD prescription changes--and significantly fewer nighttime alarms and less need for in-person visits than control subjects, saving both time and money.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-02-14)

    Tags: PD, Remote Monitoring, APD, Nighttime Alarm, In person Visit

  • Fewer Hip Fractures with PD than Standard In-Center HD: Metaanalysis

    Analysis of five cohort studies totalling more than 1.2 million ESRD patients found that those doing HD had a 61% higher risk of hip fracture than those doing PD.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-02-14)

    Tags: Hip Fractures, PD, In center HD

  • Lower Dementia Risk with PD than Standard In-Center HD: Metaanalysis

    An analysis of 15 studies concludes that PD is associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline and dementia than HD--but calls for well-conducted prospective studies.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-02-14)

    Tags: Dementia, PD, In center HD, Cognitive Functions

  • Urgent-start PD Catheter Placement - Surgical vs. Percutaneous

    PD catheter placement does NOT have to be limited to just minimally-invasive percutaneous procedures, suggests a literature review. But, minimizing intraperitoneal pressure for the first 2 weeks IS important.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-02-14)

    Tags: PD, Catheter, Urgent start, Complications

  • To Screen or Not to Screen PD Patients for Bacteria: That is the Question

    Does the ISPD guideline for routine use of mupirocin ointment at PD exit sites risk creating mupirocin-resistant organisms? No, finds a surveillance study of 1,175 swabs from 240 patients.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-02-14)

    Tags: Mupirocin, PD, Catheter, Peritonitis, Pseudomonas, Hygiene

  • Impact of High Protein Diets on Residual Kidney Function in PD

    Does a high-protein diet cause a faster loss of residual kidney function for PD patients? An observational study of 336 patients for at least 6 months suggests that it may.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-01-11)

    Tags: Protein Intake, Residual Kidney, Peritoneal Dialysis, PD

  • Urgent Start PD + Diabetes

    A retrospective study compared the first 30-day outcomes and survival trends of 80 urgent start dialysis patients, 50 of whom (62.5%) did PD. Compared to those who started standard in-center HD, the dialysis-related complications were significantly lower for those on PD, and PD survival was higher as well. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-10-12)

    Tags: Diabetes, Survival Trends, Urgent Start Dialysis, PD, In center HD, Dialysis related Complications

  • PD and Dialysis Patient Employment

    In a Swedish study, 4,734 working-age (20-60 years old) patients who survived at least one year on in-center HD or PD were compared. Patients using PD had a 4% increased probability of employment over in-center HD—as well as a 6% lower disability pension and higher work income. Read the abstract

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-10-12)

    Tags: PD, HD, Employment, Disability Pension, Work Income

  • PD Catheter Outcomes in Low vs. High-Volume Centers

    Not surprisingly, patients whose PD catheters were placed at high-volume centers (in Japan) had fewer adverse events, needed feer blood transfusions, and had shorter hospital stays than those from low-volume centers. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-09-10)

    Tags: PD, Catheter, Hospital volume

  • 5-year study: Predialysis PD Education Saves Lives on PD

    Among 398 patients who started PD from 2007-2016, 169 had received predialysis education. After 5 years, this group had a significantly lower rate of peritonitis, a longer median time to a first peritonitis episode, and less risk of death from peritonitis than patients who did not get CKD education. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-09-10)

    Tags: PD, Predialysis, Peritonitis, Mortality, CKD Education