Journal Watch

  • Steady Glucose Concentration in PD and Sodium Removal

    In a small pilot study (n=8), two fast-average and six fast transporters used a standard 4-hour CAPD dwell as a control, and three 5-hour steady-concentration treatments using the Carry Life® UF device following an overnight icodextrin fill as the intervention. UF rates were significantly higher with the steady glucose concentration treatments, as were sodium removal and glucose UF efficiency.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-11-15)

    Tags: PD, Glucose Concentration, Sodium Removal

  • Surprising Impact of First Dialysis Modality on Survival in Patients with Diabetes

    A retrospective cohort study of 739 patients from 2010 to 2018 (inclusive) used propensity score matching to compare mortality between standard HD and PD in China, matching 125 PD patients with HD patients. No significant differences were found—except in those with diabetes, who had significantly better survival with PD.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-11-15)

    Tags: Modality, Survival, Diabetes, Propensity Score Matching

  • Exercise and Quality of Life on PD

    In a cross sectional study of 339 PD patients, 81.7% exercised a median of 5 hours per week, mainly slow walking. Those who exercised had better quality of life. Older age, female sex, higher BMI, and pain were independently associated with lower exercise capacity.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-10-13)

    Tags: PD, Exercise, Quality Of Life

  • Melatonin Shows Promise for Preventing Peritoneal Fibrosis

    Glucose in peritoneal dialysate drives inflammation and angiogenesis, which lead to fibrosis that can cause loss of use of the membrane. A new study from China proposes that melatonin may break this cycle.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-10-13)

    Tags: Melatonin, Peritoneal Fibrosis, Glucose, GSDME, Pyroptosis

  • Magnesium Inhibits the Peritoneal Calcification of Late-stage EPS in Mice

    Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a devastating and potentially lethal complication of PD. The reasons for EPS are not clear, but phosphate loading seems to contribute to the condition. This study successfully induced peritoneal calcification in mice—and found that administering magnesium into the peritoneum suppressed fibrosis and calcification.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-10-13)

    Tags: Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis, Magnesium, Peritoneal Calcification, EPS

  • Longer Survival with Extended Home HD

    A study in Turkey compared 348 patients doing extended home HD (418 minutes) matched with 1,047 doing standard in-center HD (242 minutes) and followed both groups for about 55 months. The extended home HD patients had an all-cause mortality rate of 3.76 per 100 patient years—vs. 6.27 for the in-center HD patients; a significant 40% reduction.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-10-13)

    Tags: Extended Home HD, Survival, All cause Mortality Rate

  • Home HD Dose and Frequency Prescriptions

    Current Kt/V formulas don’t guide nephrologists to prescribe home HD with low-flow machines. A study of 38 home HD patients resulted in 231 clinical data sets for urea modeling, which were analyzed using the Solute Solver software recommended by the KDOQI guidelines. The researchers chose 7 of the 62 potential combinations, assuming Monday blood draws, and found the new formula for stdKtV to be reliable and helpful for guiding clinicians.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-10-13)

    Tags: Home HD, Kt/V, Urea Modeling, StdKt/V

  • PD Patient Training to Enhance Independence and Prevent Complications

    The ISPD recommends that PD clinics around the world develop training programs that will improve self-care. A new scoping review included 22 articles that recommend training for 5-8 days in the clinic or at home for a total of 15+ hours, using a 1:1 nurse-to-patient ratio and 1-3 hour sessions. Experienced nurses who use adult learning strategies were found to be effective.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-10-13)

    Tags: Patient Training, Training Programs, Self care, Adult Learning Strategies

  • Outcomes with PD to HHD Compared to Direct HHD

    Analysis of data from all patients who started PD or HHD in the first 90 days of kidney replacement therapy in Canada matched PD+HHD patients (n=163) 1:1 to incident HHD patients (n=711). Interestingly, while hospitalization risk was similar, clinical outcomes were better in the PD+HHD group.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-09-13)

    Tags: PD, HHD, Kidney Replacement Therapy, Clinical Outcomes

  • Incremental PD and Quality of Life

    In a 4-year study (2015-2019) of adults starting PD and followed for one year, those who used incremental PD had better KDQOL physical composite, burden of kidney disease, and effects of kidney disease scores, as well as less hospitalization and lower mortality rates (non-significant).

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-09-13)

    Tags: Incremental PD, KDQOL, Mortality Rate, Quality Of Life