Journal Watch - All cause Mortality

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  • Which is Safer: Urgent Start HD or Urgent Start PD?

    Analysis of data from 9 studies (941 PD and 779 HD patients) revealed that the risk of all-cause mortality, dialysis-related infections, and mechanical complications were higher in patients who started HD urgently than in those who started PD urgently.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2024-07-12)

    Tags: PD, HD, All cause Mortality, Dialysis related Infections, Mechanical Complications, Urgent start

  • Urgent-start PD vs. Urgent-start HD: Meta-analysis

    Analysis of data from nine studies looking at all-cause mortality found a rate of 0.173 for urgent-start PD vs. .214 for urgent-start HD. Those who started PD urgently had lower risks of infection-related death, bacteremia, and other complications, though rates of cardiovascular and cancer mortality were similar.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2024-01-17)

    Tags: All cause Mortality, Urgent start PD, Urgent start HD, Infection related Death, Bacteremia

  • Rate of Residual Kidney Function Decline and Mortality in PD

    When 497 PD patients were divided into two groups based on RRF decline value, those in the fast-decline group had significantly higher rates of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. In fact, each 0.1mL/min/1.73m2 per month drop in RRF in the first year of PD predicted a 19% higher risk of all-cause mortality and a 20% higher risk of cardiovascular mortality.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-11-15)

    Tags: Rate Of Residual Kidney Function Decline, All cause Mortality, Cardiovascular Mortality

  • Glycated Albumin vs. HbA1c Predicts Mortality in PD Patients with Diabetes

    In patients on hemodialysis, glycated albumin (GA) reflects glycemic control and predicts all-cause mortality. A new retrospective, longitudinal observational study looked at GA in PD. Among 44 PD patients with diabetes matched to 88 HD patients with diabetes followed for 3 years, GA was a more precise way to measure glycemic control than hemoglobin A1c.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-09-11)

    Tags: Peritoneal Dialysis, All cause Mortality, Glycaemic Control, Glycated Albumin, Glycated Haemoglobin