State Kidney Programs Provide Valuable Help to Those with Kidney Disease

UPDATED 10/31/2022
Currently we are only aware of 13 states that have state kidney programs that help those with kidney disease who meet their eligibility guidelines. Eligibility guidelines vary from state to state, and although the programs generally cover some of the costs of care associated with kidney disease and treatment, specific covered services vary from program to program. Programs generally state that they are the “payer of last resort.” This means that if the patient has coverage from any other source, payment from that source must be sought first.
Below is a list of known state kidney programs with their names, contact numbers, and a summary of covered services as of November 2017. You can click on the name of the program to read more about that program, its eligibility guideline, covered services, and how to apply. If there are other programs we’ve not listed or if anything is listed incorrectly, please add or correct the information about any program in the Comments.
Program | Phone Number | Coverage for Eligible Patients |
Alabama Kidney Foundation | (205) 900-7250 | Provides financial help for daily living needs and transportation for those on dialysis and with transplants |
Arkansas Kidney Disease Commission | (501) 686-2807 | Provides financial help for dialysis and transplant patients for up to 3 ESRD-related prescriptions per month with a $2 copayment each, 20% of the Medicare allowed charge for immunos, and some prior approved dental services for those awaiting transplant. |
Delaware Chronic Renal Disease Program | (302) 424-7180 | Provides payment for the unreimbursed cost of medications (prescription and over-the-counter) and nutritional supplements, including the cost of Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Transportation may be provided to/from the dialysis clinic, transplant center or possible related medical appointments. |
Illinois State Chronic Renal Disease Program | (217) 785-2867 | Provides financial help for the cost of dialysis in a dialysis clinic, in a hospital outpatient clinic, or at home to those who are U.S. citizens or meet certain immigration requirements. |
Maryland Kidney Disease Program | (573) 882-2506 (800) 733-7345 |
Provides financial help to dialysis and transplant patients for drugs on its drug list, including immunosuppressants through a contracted pharmacy; for Medicaid spenddowns and Ticket to Work Health Assurance program premiums; limited financial help for recipient or donor and premiums for recipient whose premium was previously paid by another (e.g., American Kidney Fund); limited financial help for dialysis and transplant patient transportation. |
Missouri Kidney Program | (573) 882-2506 (800) 733-7345 |
Provides financial help to dialysis and transplant patients for drugs on its drug list, including immunosuppressants through a contracted pharmacy; for Medicaid spenddowns and Ticket to Work Health Assurance program premiums; limited financial help for recipient or donor and premiums for recipient whose premium was previously paid by another (e.g., American Kidney Fund); limited financial help for dialysis and transplant patient transportation. |
Nebraska Chronic Renal Disease Program | (402) 471-0925 | Reimburses for prescribed generic drugs and brand name drugs with no generic on its drug list for dialysis patients and provides financial help for dialysis at a dialysis clinic, outpatient hospital, or at home. There is a yearly cap on financial help per eligible patient. |
New Jersey End Stage Renal Disease Patient Assistance Program | (609) 490-0310 | Reimburses dialysis clinics for approved patient medications and nutritional supplements for eligible patients with income up to 300% of federal poverty guideline. For more information contact Quality Insights Renal Network Three (QIRN3). |
Pennsylvania Renal Disease Program | (800) 225-7223 Ask for eligibility specialist | Provides financial help for dialysis services; renal transplantation; medical management; inpatient and outpatient service; home dialysis supplies and equipment; medications; and limited transportation. |
South Dakota Medicaid for People with Chronic Renal Disease | (605) 773-3165 | Provides financial help for dialysis treatments outpatient or home including supplies, equipment and water softeners; hospitalization related to renal failure prescription drugs necessary for dialysis or transplants not covered by other source; non-emergency and travel reimbursement to/from renal failure-related treatment. |
Tennessee Renal Disease Program | (615) 741-5259 or (615) 253-8986 |
Provides financial help to dialysis patients for up to $120/month for any renal-related products and up to $500/year for dental services; applications are submitted through dialysis social workers |
Texas Kidney Health Care | (800) 222-3986 | Provides financial help or dialysis treatments; dialysis access surgery; drugs; travel to transplant or dialysis services; Medicare premiums in some cases. |
Washington State Kidney Disease Program | (360) 725-1243 | Provides financial help for dialysis access surgery, lab, x-ray, hospitalization; physician fees; dialysis (HD and PD); drugs on drug list and nutrition supplements; insurance premiums; cost of home helper including training; Medicare deductible and coinsurance; pre-transplant/post-transplant dental; transportation for dialysis or physician visits or lodging/meals for home training; some interpreter services. |
Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program | (800) 362-3002 | Provides financial help for inpatient and outpatient dialysis and transplant treatments; one pre-transplant dental exam, diagnosis and X-ray; kidney donor related medical services; certain prescription drugs; certain home supplies and services ordered by a nephrologist; physician services for kidney disease; lab and X-ray services for treatment of chronic kidney disease, ambulance services for kidney disease-related emergency. |
Some programs require a patient to apply through social worker at the dialysis clinic or transplant program. Dialysis or transplant social workers or financial counselors usually know if there is a state kidney program in their patients’ state of residence and what the program’s eligibility guidelines are. State kidney programs can provide much needed help to eligible individuals on dialysis and with transplants, so they can more easily afford to follow their treatment plans.
Beth Witten
Jun 08, 2020 7:38 PM
If your husband has Medicare, dialysis clinics are paid a "bundled payment" for each dialysis treatment that includes the equipment and supplies needed to perform dialysis, support services from your nurse, dietitian, and social worker, as well as some drugs and labs. I'd suggest you refer your clinic to the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 11, which describes equipment and supplies that every dialysis clinic should provide for home dialysis patients. Gloves are specifically mentioned. Although not specifically mentioned, the disinfecting solution and antibiotic used on the exit site should be provided by the dialysis clinic too.
I'd double-check with your nurse about how you're supposed to use bleach. I don't believe it should be used on your PD exit site. Disinfectant wipes (bleach or other) can be used to disinfect the surface where you set up your PD supplies and the outside of your PD machine. Patients buy these. They're hard to find in grocery stores in my area. You might try drug stores or even hardware stores.
So far as a supply cart, although it may be easier to have your supplies in a cart, some patients may have a different way to keep what they need together. Amazon has a 3-drawer supply cart for $34. You might find a used one that you could disinfect on eBay or at a store that sells used items. Make sure your nurse and social worker know that you have limited means. They may be able to suggest something else.
If you're on Facebook, you might want to join the Home Dialysis Central FB group. It's a private closed group. You have to answer a few questions to be admitted. Patients get support and questions answered there.
Melissa Morris
Jun 05, 2020 12:49 AM
Robin Asick
Dec 15, 2017 5:24 PM