Happy Thanksgiving

When I considered writing a blog for Thanksgiving, I thought how presumptuous it would be for me to suggest anything that anyone else should be thankful for. Having worked over 30 years with people with kidney failure, I have often thought what life would be like for me if I had to take several medications throughout the day, to follow a different diet, to have to do dialysis several times a week to feel well enough to do all that I like and need to do. I think of things I'm thankful for—family, friends, and a job I love helping people I care about. Not surprisingly, dialysis patients and their home dialysis care partners are thankful for some of the same things, as I learned in a post started by a care partner. Here is some of what they shared.
- Thankful for the love and care I receive from my wife, without her I'm not sure I could cope.
- I am thankful for every day of life. It is a gift that should not be taken for granted! Corny, but true.
- I am thankful for being able to open my eyes this morning!!!
- Thankful for being healthy and thankful to help others in need.
- I'm thankful that I have [husband] here, because it's pretty much a miracle that he is.
- 'm thankful for a most awesome husband, who loves me and takes care of me and maintains a sense of humor through the darkest times.
- My first thanks must go to GOD. I know I'm where I am suppose to be with you, so for whatever reason I'm where you need me to be.
- I am thankful for the last 7 months and all it has taught me about life—the good and the bad.
- I'm thankful for my daughter, husband, a warm house, plenty of food and enough money to pay my bills and to buy things that help make life a bit more interesting and fun.
- I'm thankful to be alive, even with lung and kidney trouble.
- Thankful to be alive and thankful for my little family and thankful for such supportive friends.
- I am thankful for my daughters.
- I'm REALLY thankful I have someone that loves me for me... And don't judge me but helps me through everything ... I really couldn't ask for a better person to be honest!!!
- I am thankful for my partner and 3 children...even though this disease has changed our lifestyle dramatically they never judge or criticize the way I am feeling and even when times seen bad they never lose their sense of humour and always make me laugh.
- Dialysis!!! Without it, I would have died!
- I am thankful for being in a time where dialysis is possible.
- I am thankful that despite all the challenges we've faced, my family and I have always been blessed with the best possible outcome.
- I am thankful for having my husband and for dealing with his CKD and taking one day at a time.
- I give thanks that my boys are on a good path to become great men...
After reading these quotes from dialysis patients and their care partners, what can you say you're thankful for this Thanksgiving season?