My Journey: from Type 1 Diabetes to Dialysis to a Kidney Transplant

This blog post was made by Keith Jones on September 5, 2024.
My Journey: from Type 1 Diabetes to Dialysis to a Kidney Transplant

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In 1975, at the young age of 5, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D). The reason I did well for so long is because my mother, dedicated and vigilant, ensured that I managed my condition well throughout my youth by having well balanced meals in the proper portions and plenty of exercise. Her care and attention allowed me to thrive despite my diagnosis. However, things took a turn when I went to college and was free to make my own decisions. Eager to embrace the freedom and social scene, I neglected my diabetes management. I partied, ate whatever I wanted, and ignored the importance of maintaining my health.

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By the early 1990s, my doctor warned me about high blood pressure and the potential future risk to my kidneys if I didn’t start taking care of myself. Despite the warnings, I continued my reckless lifestyle. In 1997, my health took a serious hit when I was diagnosed with significant kidney damage and high creatinine levels. A visit to the nephrologist confirmed the severity of my condition, yet I still resisted following medical advice.

Turning the Tides

It wasn’t until a profound moment—a "come to Jesus" talk with my nephrologist Dr. Thomas Haygood—that I began to take my health seriously. I started to follow the doctors' orders and managed my condition diligently with a regimen of blood pressure medication and checking of my pressures daily. This new commitment saw me through relatively stable health until 2020. Then, I received news that changed my life: I needed to consult a transplant center due to the progression of my kidney disease. After comprehensive testing, I was placed on the transplant list at UC Health, Anschutz Campus in Aurora, Colorado. I had a very dedicated Transplant Team that guided me through this part of my journey.

PD and Home HD

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In mid-2020, I started peritoneal dialysis (PD), a demanding treatment that required significant time and effort. I persisted with PD for 2 years, at which time I was doing treatments for 14 hours a day, before transitioning to home hemodialysis (HHD). This allowed me to do my treatments 2.5 hours a day, 6 days a week starting in January 2023, a change that better fit my lifestyle. I spent ten months on HHD, hoping and waiting for a transplant.

A New Chapter: Transplant

In October 2023, my prayers were answered. I received a living donor kidney transplant, a transformative gift that marked a new chapter in my life. Post-transplant, my health improved remarkably, and I felt better than I had in years. With the help of my committed Post-Transplant Team, my lab results are stable, and I regained a sense of well-being.

Following my successful surgery, I sent a letter of appreciation to my anonymous donor in hopes that they would reach out to me, all I knew about my donor was that she lived in Colorado. About a month following the surgery I received a friend request from her on Facebook, I eventually accepted this friend request. About 3 weeks following I received a Messenger message from my donor, Jennifer. She told me about herself and said that on October 11, 2023 she was an anonymous kidney donor and she received my letter and the gifts that I had sent. Although Jennifer originally did not want to meet her kidney recipient, she changed her mind after receiving my letter. As I read the message from her, tears filled my eyes, for I had found the person who gave me the gift of life with a new kidney.

Meeting My Living Donor

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April 2024 was particularly special. My business sponsored a Donate Life event, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation. At this event, I had the incredible opportunity to meet my paired exchange donor and my kidney donor. Meeting my anonymous donor was a profound blessing and a gift from God, we still continue our friendship. Their generosity and selflessness had given me a second chance at life.

I looked at this whole process as these are the cards God has dealt me, I’m going to play the best I can with what I have.


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