Dialysis related videos

Bill Peckham self cannulation video
Bill produced this video to show how he gets on dialysis nearly every night at home.
My Choice: Home Dialysis
Learn about all of the types of home dialysis and why people chose to dialyze at home.
UCSF unveils model for implantable artificial kidney to replace dialysis
UCSF researchers have unveiled a prototype model of the first implantable artificial kidney, in a development that one day could eliminate the need for dialysis. The device, which would include thousands of microscopic filters as well as a bioreactor to mimic the metabolic and water-balancing roles of a real kidney, is being developed in a collaborative effort by engineers, biologists, and physicians nationwide, led by Shuvo Roy, PhD, in the UCSF Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences.
YouTube Videos
Watch home dialysis patients dialyze, set up and tear down their machines, travel across the country, and more.