Home dialysis takes a step forward in the new QIP final ruleThe Quality Incentive Plan news isn't happy for most dialysis providers. Spreading out a 12% drug use cut over 3-4 years is less painful than doing in it one—but no one likes a pay cut. Home dialysis came out a winner, though! The new rules add a 50% increase in payment for home dialysis training, for PD and home HD. Since the prior rate was about right for babysitters in the 1980s, this boost may help more clinics decide to start home programs. Happy day! How do you choose the right treatment option for you?Hint: This video interview with MEI Executive Director, Dori Schatell--produced by the Bay Area Association of Kidney Patients--will tell you all about it. And, if you have CKD, are a dialysis consumer, or you are a renal professional, you need this book! Each month, we gather recent research abstracts about home dialysis. Visit our Journal Watch to learn more: Featured Links