Welcome to the non-profit Medical Education Institute's Home Dialysis Central blogspot! This page is an umbrella under which Home Dialysis Central staff and guests can share their perspectives about home therapies and what we need to do to raise their profile and enable more people to use them. We'd like your comments as well! Bookmark our site and like us on Facebook! Help us tell the world about home dialysis.
We have a "lifestyle bible" for sale that can help you learn about dialysis options. Help, I Need Dialysis! We also have prepared some slideshows on how to have a good future with kidney disease.
Partnering with Patients to Manage their Health
It’s time to use the honey vs. vinegar approach to working with patients. It may help us form more effective relationships and achieve better outcome goals.

Published on 12/18/2014 by Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
From Nephrology to “Healthcare”: Reflections on Attending the IHI Meeting
Chronic disease is an enormous healthcare problem—but, as far as I can tell, it is largely ignored by IHI, despite the “health of populations” part of the triple aim.

Published on 12/11/2014 by Dori Schatell, MS, Executive Director, Medical Education Institute
"Now that I’m settled into the routine of home hemo treatments, I can take a moment to reflect on what it was like to do dialysis in-center."

Published on 12/04/2014 by Nieltje Gedney
Happy Thanksgiving
I think of things I'm thankful for - family, friends, and a job I love helping people I care about. Not surprisingly, dialysis patients and their home dialysis care partners are thankful for some of the same things.

Published on 11/27/2014 by Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
Dear Senators,
While the treatment for end-stage kidney disease (CKD5) is kidney transplantation or dialysis, by the time patients reach CKD5 , the degree of cardiovascular damage is so great that less than ¼ remain medically suitable for transplantation.

Published on 11/20/2014 by Dr. John Agar
Slow FDA Response is Hurting Nocturnal Home HD
The NxStage System One, Fresenius 2008K@home, and other machines have received FDA-approval for home use—but no machine has yet been approved specifically for nocturnal home HD.

Published on 11/13/2014 by Dori Schatell, MS, Executive Director, Medical Education Institute
Rethinking AVF Needling Techniques - (Make both “pointy ends” face towards the heart!)
More than a decade ago, Zyblut Twardowski asked me if I would be prepared to challenge the audience on the myths and legends surrounding needling techniques for native arteriovenous fistulae (AVF).

Published on 11/06/2014 by Dr. John Agar
Be Prepared When You Fly with a Dialysis Machine
The law is clear that people traveling on an airplane with a portable dialysis device such as a PD cycler or NxStage hemodialysis machine should not encounter any difficulties.

Published on 10/30/2014 by Lana Schmidt
Tags: travel, peritoneal dialysis cycler,
Anemia Management in Home Dialysis—How Well Are We Doing?
Patients with ESRD have a known risk of developing anemia … and tends to worsen as kidney function declines.

Published on 10/23/2014 by Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
Tags: anemia, home dialysis,
PD in the Elderly—Wouldn’t SLOW and LOW Make More Sense?
When someone starts PD, they tend to have a reasonable amount of residual kidney function . So, why do we start them out with four exchanges a day?

Published on 10/16/2014 by Dori Schatell, MS, Executive Director, Medical Education Institute