Journal Watch - Medicare

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  • PD Outcomes under the Medicare Expanded Dialysis Prospective Payment System

    A Medicare change in 2011 may have increased the likelihood that clinics would expand PD to a broader population. Did this affect outcomes? A prospective cohort study compared 10,585 patients who started PD before payment reform, 7,832 interim patients, and 18,742 during the reform period. With similar demographics, more patients were treated in clinics with less PD experience—and these clinics had higher PD discontinuation rates. But, PD discontinuation fell overall, and mortality risk was stable.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-10-14)

    Tags: Expanded Dialysis Prospective Payment System, PD, Medicare

  • Medicare Reimbursement Has Driven More PD

    Changes to the Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) in 2011 to create financial incentives for PD have worked, finds a new analysis of 6,433 dialysis clinics before and after the change. Since 2011, 6% more clinics offered PD, and program size increased from an average of 5.7 patients to 6.9. Non-urban, chain, and larger clinics were significantly more likely to have changed their PD practices in response to the PPS change.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-12-14)

    Tags: Medicare, Prospective Payment System, Peritoneal Dialysis, Quality Of Life