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  • Early Icodextrin (ICO) Use Reduced PD-associated Peritonitis Risk

    A group of 82 patients who did PD between 2011 and 2020 were divided into a group (n=21) who received ICO at PD initiation and a group (n=61) who received it later or not at all. Patients were followed until they stopped PD, died, or 3 years passed. PD-associated peritonitis and tunnel infection-free survival rates were significantly better with early ICO use.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2024-12-11)

    Tags: PD, ICO, Early Icodextrin, Peritonitis, Tunnel Infection free Survival Rates

  • Steady Glucose Concentration in PD and Sodium Removal

    In a small pilot study (n=8), two fast-average and six fast transporters used a standard 4-hour CAPD dwell as a control, and three 5-hour steady-concentration treatments using the Carry Life® UF device following an overnight icodextrin fill as the intervention. UF rates were significantly higher with the steady glucose concentration treatments, as were sodium removal and glucose UF efficiency.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2023-11-15)

    Tags: PD, Glucose Concentration, Sodium Removal

  • Replacing Dextrose in PD Fluid—with Steviol Glycosides?

    Using glucose to remove water will scar the peritoneum over time—making PD a short-term option for most. Icodextrin (Extraneal®) is a glucose-free alternative. Now, researchers are looking at another one: steviol glycosides (SG), the compounds that make stevia taste sweet. Using artificial membranes and mice, dialysate with 1.5%, 1%, and even 0.75% SG had similar results as glucose-based fluids—with better biocompatibility.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2022-09-13)

    Tags: Dextrose, PD Fluid, Steviol Glycosides, Icodextrin

  • PDOPPS Findings of Factors Important to Peritonitis Outcomes

    The Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study analyzed factors in the outcomes variations among 1,631 peritonitis episodes in 1,190 patients in seven countries. About 2/3 of the bouts were successfully cured, which was more likely with Gram-positive organisms, automated PD, and use of icodextrin (facility level), aminoglycosides, and ciprofloxacin vs. ceftazidime for Gram-negative organisms.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2021-06-15)

    Tags: Peritoneal Dialysis, Peritonitis, Peritoneal Dialysis And Outcomes Practice Patterns Study

  • PD Glucose Absorption and Lipid Profiles

    Lipid status was assessed at baseline and 12 month in 143 CAPD patients, 2/3 of whom used a daytime icodextrin exchange. No associations were found between glucose absorption, lipid profiles, or changes in serum lipids.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2020-02-19)

    Tags: Peritoneal Dialysis, Cholesterol, Glucose, Triglycerides

  • Icodextrin Reduces PD Stroke Risk

    Stroke risk was compared in PD patients in Taiwan who did or did not use icodextrin. Icodextrin users had a lower risk and incidence of strokes than non-users.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-12-14)

    Tags: Stroke, PD Patients, Icodexytrin

  • Starting PD with One Daily Exchange of Icodextrin

    Incremental PD can be less restrictive for patients initiating therapy. Is one daily exchange with icodextrin enough? A physiological study used a 3-pore kinetic model to assess fluid and solute removal among patients with residual function that ranged from 0 to 15 mL/min/1.73m2. All but very large patients (total body water >60L) were predicted to achieve adequate dialysis with this approach.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-02-15)

    Tags: Incremental PD, Icodextrin, Fluid And Solute Removal

  • New PD Strategies Using Icodextrin

    A new article reports that icodextrin can be used in new ways, such as twice-daily exchanges and a single nocturnal PD exchange for treatment of congestive heart failure.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2017-07-14)

    Tags: Education Issues: For Patients And Professionals

  • Kinetic modeling helps predict best PD prescription

    Researchers found 12 subgroups among 1,005 people on PD, based on their membrane transport and amount of body water. Using PD Adequest 2.0, patients each had a PD prescription tailored to reach a minimum adequacy target for urea and water, using glucose and icodextrin fluids. A cut-off of more or less than 2mL/min of residual kidney function was identified. Use of icodextrin simplified the regimen and reduced glucose exposure and PD fluid volumes.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2015-09-11)


  • Icodextrin PD fluid reduces insulin resistance in non-diabetic patients

    Even without diabetes, insulin resistance can add to cardiovascular disease risk in people with CKD. A new study randomized non-diabetic adults to APD with 2.5% glucose (n=27) for the long dwell or icodextrin 7.5% (n=33). At 90 days, the icodextrin group had lower levels of insulin resistance.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2015-07-08)
