Jennifer Flythe, MD, MPH Wins NKF Shaul G. Massry Award
We at Home Dialysis Central are thrilled that Dr. Flythe’s pioneering contributions to dialysis patient health, well-being, and safety—which have contributed to changing CMS policy about hemodialysis ultrafiltration rates—have been recognized with this well-deserved award, and congratulate her on her body of work to date!
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Involuntary Dialysis Clinic Discharges: Can More Be Avoided?
04/14 – Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
Building a Community in the Home Setting
04/07 – Robbi Waller MSW, LCSW
Where is the Humanity in Our Suffering? Part 2
03/31 – Patrick O. Gee, Sr., Ph.D.
Where is the Humanity in Our Suffering? Part 1
03/25 – Patrick O. Gee, Sr., Ph.D.
Permission to Thrive Chapter 2: Build Your Support Tribe
03/17 – April McGraw, RN, CNN
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Featured Link: Help Patients See the Benefits of Gentle Ultrafiltration with Free Poster
For National Kidney Month in March, MEI released a new poster to help clinics educate patients about the importance of following fluid limits so they can have gentle fluid removal. Home dialysis is suggested as one way to have gentler treatments. The poster can be printed at 2’x3’ for about $30.