NN&I Applauds “An Unusual and Unexpected Outbreak of Common Sense”As of January 1 of this year, new telehealth legislation will now permit quarterly visits with home dialyzors, after a series of three successful post-training, monthly visits. And, dialysis providers are also permitted to provide telehealth technology to patients—without incurring inducement penalties. Read the story KidneyViews Blog Topics:
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Conservative Management in End-stage Renal Disease: A Tale of Two Countries
02/07 – Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
Home Dialysis, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Law School
01/31 – Charles Dimsdale
Loss of a Home Dialysis Icon – Goodbye, Bill Peckham
01/24 – Dori Schatell, MS, Executive Director, Medical Education Institute
Patient Education: Why Do So Few CKD Patients Receive Patient Education
01/12 – Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
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Featured Link: Fresenius Advanced Renal Education Program Non-CE Courses Want to learn more about acids, bases, and electrolytes? Ease transitions from PD to home HD? Test your knowledge of anemia or bone mineral disease in a game? Can do! Visit https://www.advancedrenaleducation.com/elearning/general-topics.