CVS Kidney Care

Three ways to manage your fluids

Why is too much water a problem?

When you have kidney disease, you need to watch how much water your body gets. That’s because the kidneys can’t remove all the extra water from the blood. And when your blood contains too much water, it can lead to complications such as high blood pressure, shortness of breath, swollen feet and legs, fatigue, and heart damage. Your doctor or dietitian will let you know how much water is safe for you to drink each day. The amount is based on your stage of kidney disease, your medications, and the type of dialysis that you are on.

1. Say no to salty foods

Salt makes you thirsty, so limiting the amount of salty foods you eat can help. The next time you’re shopping, making a meal, or eating out, try to:

2. Try techniques to quench your thirst

Limiting how much you drink each day can feel hard sometimes. To make it easier, you can:

3. Pay attention to what’s around you

Your environment plays a part in how much you want to drink. Try to:

These are just a few ways to keep your thirst at bay. There are many more—be creative and see what works for you. Your doctor or dietitian can tell you how much fluid you can have. Remember, you should always consult with your health care team if you have any concerns.

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This article was posted on July 16th, 2021