Journal Watch - Overhydration

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  • PD Fluid Overload Linked with Peritonitis from Gut Pathogens

    PD patients with extra fluid in their bodies are at a significantly higher risk for peritonitis due to gut bacteria, finds a study of 138 patients. Patients in the highest third for intra-and extracellular water were at the highest risk.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-05-15)

    Tags: Body Composition, Overhydration, Peritoneal Dialysis, Peritonitis

  • Gender and Malnutrition in PD

    Do hypoalbumineumia, overhydration, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk affect men and women on PD differently? A small study (N=26 men and 28 women) with comparable BMI found more fluid overload, inflammation, and heart risk in women with low serum albumin than in men. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-09-10)

    Tags: Gender, Malnutrition, Cardiovascular Risk, Hypoalbuminemia, Inflammation, Overhydration, Peritoneal Dialysis