Journal Watch

  • Depressed and on PD? Sertraline (Zoloft) may help

    Of 32 people on PD who had clinical depression, 25 agreed to try Zoloft. Twelve weeks later, the Zoloft group was less depressed and had better physical and mental function, with no adverse drug effects.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Soy reduces heart disease risk on PD

    Adding 1/2 oz. of soy protein per day for 8 weeks reduced the levels of Lp(a)—a marker of risk for heart disease—in people on PD. In the study, 20 people were randomly assigned to get the soy protein, while 20 did not.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • PD and home HD don't compete with each other

    A new study finds that different people are attracted to PD vs. home HD. Those who chose PD tended to be older, female, and have diabetes and/or high blood pressure. Those who chose home HD were younger, more likely to be male, and had heart or blood vessel disease. Both treatment options are growing worldwide (perhaps because they're better?!).

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • PD: Better survival than standard HD for up to 5 years

    In a study of 9,277 people, DaVita researchers have found a 40% improvement in 5-year survival vs. standard HD in people aged 60 and under, and 35% in those older than 60. It's becoming clear that ANY treatment option is better for survival and quality of life than standard HD!

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Older patients had better quality of life, fewer burdens, on PD

    Among 140 people aged 65 or older, those using PD had fewer symptoms and felt that PD intruded less into their lives than those on HD. People on PD had better quality of life, too.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Fresenius publishes home study of 2008K machine

    A newly-released study follows 29 stable HD patients in-center for 6 months and then at home for 6 months on 2008H or K machines. While in-center, patients had 5.84 adverse events per 100 treatments—which dropped to just 3.34 events per 100 treatments at home.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Dialysate regeneration for home HD

    Dr. Ronco's been busy: he is also a co-author on an article this month about a system to use two activated carbon columns to regenerate dialysate.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Not even a little bit pregnant

    How much does waist size really grow on PD? Not much at all. A new study measured 44 PD'ers around the belly at hip and belly button height—full and empty. The average difference? About 3 cm or less—just about an inch and a quarter.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Survival on PD beats standard in-center HD hands down

    Studies done with data from the early 1990s found better survival on standard in-center HD than PD. But a new study pairing 6,337 PD patients who started treatment in 2003 with standard HD patients found just the opposite. Survival was significantly better with PD—especially for those under 65, and those who did not have heart disease or diabetes.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Extended catheters make PD possible for more people

    For those who can't have an abdominal PD catheter, an "extended" (i.e., presternal) catheter that can exit in the chest can make PD work. A new study found 1, 2, and 3-year catheter success rates that were slightly lower than standard PD catheters.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)
