Journal Watch - Hospitalization

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  • Is PD Unwise for Patients with Lupus Nephritis?

    A small study found 92.4% (1 year), 84.7% (3 year) and 67.6% (5 year) patient survival among 28 non-diabetic lupus patients doing PD—compared to 100% (1 year), 93.5% (3 year), and 82.9% (5 year) among 56 controls. While the lupus was not directly associated with mortality, it was a risk factor for PD technique failure, infection, and hospitalizations.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-11-16)

    Tags: Patient Survival, Lupus, PD, Mortality, Technique Failure, Infection, Hospitalization

  • Remote PD Monitoring Reduced Hospitalizations

    A study of people starting automated PD matched patients who did and did not receive remote patient monitoring (RPM), with 63 patients in each group. Those who received RPM had significantly fewer hospital stays and days.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-08-14)

    Tags: Automated PD, Remote Patient Monitoring, Hospitalization

  • Longer HD Treatments Do Not Make Up for the 2-day “Killer Gap”

    For 20 years, the kidney community has known that death on HD is significantly higher on the day after the 2-day “killer gap.” An analysis of 250+ minutes vs. <200 minutes HD treatments found that even 4.5 hour long treatments thrice weekly did not make the gap less lethal.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-03-12)

    Tags: Treatment time, Interdialytic Interval, Hospitalization, Mortality

  • Biocompatible PD Solutions Maintain Membranes Longer

    Independently of inflammation, biocompatible PD solutions helped 71 patients keep a steady level of solute transport over 7.5 years, compared to 295 patients who used standard solutions. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-09-10)

    Tags: Dialysis Solutions, Glucans, Glucose, IL6 Protein, Human, Inflammation, Interleukin 6, Peritoneal Fibrosis, Peritoneum, Peritonitis, Creatinine, Hospitalization, Icodextrin, Peritoneal Dialysis, Peritoneal Membrane